Friday, June 19, 2009

This is the agent badge!
Hi world!! lol i love chobots!!! its so much fun

Monday, June 15, 2009

Hey guys I don't like that think so i am going to make a new one!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Hi guys whats up its djflan and guess how many pepole have been on my blog
70 i cant belave it. I jump rope and i am going to texas for jump ropinng in 1 week from wendsday i cant wait so wish me luck its for natianals i came in 11 in the
nation last year and i hope i come in 8 in the nation this year.Chobots has changed a littile bit because it just more fun every day it get funner and funner and funner.
well bye.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Hi Guys!
Whats up? I have not been posting much because of my lacrosse but it is over! So i will be posting more often! Here is 1 pic of the party this morning on June 8th! and it rained to!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Hi guys i am sad today because I am not on the poll im so so mad at chobots but there is always next time

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Ok I think that I made up my mind there is going to be a poll eather me or goalie are going to post it i think i will but i dont realy no? but maby I will find out right now or maby tomarow ok well bye bye!
Ahhhhh!! people have been saying that the mod go! quit I dont know if he realy did but i hope he did not he was realy nice that is like what everybody has been saying! I dont know if i bealeave them but i think that i did and then they said that this other mod quit but i dont think that this mod quit i forget his name but tell us plz did he quit or did he not? holfuly we find out quick!
Hey guys whats up its djflan sorry that goalie has not been posting a lot he is a very busy man isee that a lot of pepole have been going on my blog keep up the good work and go on my blog a lot well bye bye

Monday, June 1, 2009

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Hi guys who is ur favorite agent i might put up a poll tomarow or the next day of what agent do u like best there r a few ok well bye
Hi guys this is how you become an agent,
you have to be nice,
give tours,
answer the questions chobots ask you,
that is about it ohh ya,
have fun!
yayyy now 44 pepole have gone on my blog
Guys I might quit bloging but probilly not because nobody will go on only 43 pepole have gone on so tell all ur friends to go on my blog at so go tell all of ur friends also u have to follow it and coment plz!! i am begging u
Hey guys its djflan,
now that jessie2000 won the contest i have to give her somthing but she is not my friend and she wont let any body present her so it is up to you. To help me djflan figur out what i should do
this is a cool poem
The Great Chobot Named Moonkee,

Was always Cool and Funky,

His A Great Mod,
So If You See Him Just Say Hello!

His always at Awesome Parties,
While Im Eating a Bag of Smarties,

Best Friends With our Great Mod Hikkomori,
Just Like Me and My Friend Rory,

He's Got so Much Fans that Go Wild,
Just For Him Coz Thats his Style!

Chobots All Around Him Here and There,
They Follow Him Everywhere!

I hope you enjoyed my poem about Moonkee,
The Chobot that is and always will be Funky!