Saturday, May 30, 2009

Hey guys
its djflan plz coment or follow my. Favorite sport is soccer i all ready told you i know.I also do jump rope i made it to Texas I know its a girls sport but i guess i was gifted u know. So plz dont make fun of me I hate jump rope but have to do it.
hi guys
i have not been posting latly. Whatever u want me or Djflan to post about just ask us in comment on this post! Oh and also plz follow and if u like our blog tell all ur friends to tell there frends to tell there friedns (ext).
Hi guys whats up it djflan. I love chobots so much!! Listen pepole scam me and stuff so if you are a scamer report ur self in! or else you will get banded for a long time!! so it easer to just report ur self in

Friday, May 29, 2009

Hi guys whats up it is djflan chobots is so cool. Do you like my new outfit if u see me say i do ok and coment plz everybody comet.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Hey guys it djflan My favouritesport is soccer

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Hi guys,
Whats up? I am Goalie100000 and I will be posting often on djflan's blog! I love chobots and i play hockey and lacrosse!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

kittenking is the nicest agent i know he is the best he is so fair!!!! i love him

Saturday, May 9, 2009

look at this picture isint it aswome??? well of couse it is cause i drew it.

Friday, May 8, 2009

so how is the voting doing
Hey guys I'm not going to be in the nichoskinommisson i will be wondering around who every goes on my blog go on and tell every single friend you have that there will be a party at the classroom so go tell every body ohh ya it is going to be at 4:00 it might not be that cool because i am not the mod but just try to have fun ok see you at 4:00
Hey it djflan I'm back sorry but i can not go on chobots on week days best friend in real life goalie100000 can go on and he knows my password he set chobots up for me so don't be mad at him. Does any body want to comment on any of these pics that i put up? they are very cool!!! go green turn off the lights get healthy go run around out side. so bye bye see every one well i will try to go on at 2:30 but i will be on to day on chocolate in nichos misson who ever want to go there and be on my blog bye bye bye bye.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Hey people that go on my blog.As you can see I put a pole up Hope everybody does a great good!!

Cool things have been happening around chobots there is a nother sweet battel at the park!!! I cant believe it

Monday, May 4, 2009

There is going to be a pole on may 9 at 2:00 be there.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

goalie100000 is like tide up with preston12 he should become an really fast.
preston12 is the nicest guy i know he should become an agent.

look at that beautiful picture!!